Effectiveness of Implementing DIR/Floortime Principles to Improve Expressive Language of 2-years-old Child with Language Delay: A Coaching Approach for Mother


Nursyifa Az Zahra(1Mail), Lia M. Boediman(2),
Master of Psychological Profession, University of Indonesia, Indonesia(1)
Master of Psychological Profession, University of Indonesia, Indonesia(2)

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Published : 2024-11-21

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This research aims to review the effectiveness of coaching approaches for mothers by implementing the DIR/Floortime principles to improve expressive language in a 2-year-old child with language delay. This intervention consists of three components: 1) Developmental (D); 2) Individual Difference (I); 3) Relationship Based (R). The research design is Small-N Design in a single case with one participant: the boy with a language delay and his mother. The measurement methods used were observation and interview based on the Functional Emotional Assessment Scale (FEAS), Circle of Communication (CoC) form, and a logbook for recording spoken new vocabulary. This research indicated that implementing DIR/Floortime principles effectively improves expressive language in a 2-year-old child with language delay.


early childhood; intervention; dir/floortime principles; language delay


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